
Minnesota Energy Resources is proud to offer the Authorized Insulation Contractor program to ensure that customer's receive quality work from reputable contractors.

Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) manages Minnesota Energy Resources Authorized Insulation (AIC) program.  This comprehensive program helps ensure contractors implement best practices during home insulation installation, including proper sealing of air leaks and testing for potential safety issues caused by tightening a home.

Becoming a certified contractor allows you to offer Minnesota Energy Resources’ rebates to customers in their natural gas territory.  In order for Minnesota Energy Resource residential customers to qualify for insulation rebates, they must use an Authorized Insulation Contractor.

Become an Authorized Insulation Contractor

Review and sign the participation agreement

To begin the certification process contact CEE and we will provide an agreement that details the requirements for this program and responsibilities as an authorized contractor. 

View a summary of requirements and responsibilities.

Attend an approved installer certification training.

Each crew leader who completes work within the AIC program is required to complete training and certification. The AIC program defines the “crew leader” as the insulation installer that supervises and completes on-site work. Only the crew leader that performs the work can sign off on the completed insulation project in order for the homeowner to obtain Minnesota Energy Resources rebates.

Insulation contractors can become an Approved Insulation Contractor by obtaining any of the following certifications:

  • BPI Air Leakage Control Installer
  • BPI Building Analyst
  • BPI Envelope Professional
  • CEE Insulation training

Register for CEE's next approved installer certification training

Take CEE's online combustion safety training course.

Insulation contractors wishing to become AICs are also required to take the online training on AIC program processes and testing procedures. The following online course, which takes 30 minutes to complete on your computer, is required for all crew leaders in the Minnesota Energy Resources Authorized Insulation Contractor program. 

This online course needs to be completed after the contractor training is completed. 

Take the online combustion safety training

Add your company information to the list.

Once you have completed all requirements, your company’s contact information will be added to the AIC list. Now, you can complete insulation work and offer Minnesota Energy Resources rebates to qualified customers. The AIC list is published on the Minnesota Energy Resources page

Once added to the AIC list, your first three jobs are subject to quality assurance evaluation. You will need to contact us before scheduling your first three jobs. Your first two jobs you will demonstrate your ability to meet program standards via our phone-in quality assurance visit. The third job will be an onsite quality assurance inspection.

Contact Us


Are you a homeowner? 

Minnesota Energy Resources Authorized Insulation Contractor program ensures contractors implement best practices in home insulation installation, including proper sealing of air leaks and testing for potential safety issues caused by tightening a home.

Find authorized contractors and access insulation rebates through Minnesota Energy Resources.

Contractor Resources


Contractor Training

If you are interested in receiving an approved installer certification or adding certified crew leaders to your company click the button below to sign up for an upcoming training. 

Register for the upcoming insulation certification training

Combustion Safety Course

The following online course, which takes 30 minutes to complete on your computer, is required for all crew leaders in the Minnesota Energy Resources Authorized Insulation Contractor program.  This online course needs to be completed after the contractor training is completed. 

Take the online combustion safety course

Contractor Forms and Field Guides 

Combustion Safety Testing — This document covers the fans on and fans off combustion safety tests required for this program.  It includes step by step instructions. 

Combustion Safety Notice —  This notice needs to be given to homeowners when one of their natural gas appliances fails a combustion safety test.  It includes information on testing procedures and homeowner next steps. 

Ventilation Handout — This handout is available to help homeowners understand the need for ventilation and options for installation. 

Blower Door Guide — This is a short guide to blower door testing. It includes instructions for proper hose setup and how to complete a time averaged cfm50 reading. 

Rebate Application — This is the current application for Minnesota Energy Resources’ insulation and air sealing rebates. 


Quality Assurance

QA Phone Visit Guide —  This guide details the proper steps needed to complete QA phone visits. QA phone visits are required during the entry process of the program or during a probation period. 

QA On-site Guide —  This guide describes the procedure for QA on-site visits.   This visit is also required during the entry process of the program and will be scheduled by CEE with the homeowner and crew leader. 

QA Scoring System — This document explains how the score is computed during the QA visits that occur after work has been completed.  It also includes the QA scorecard that will be filled out by the QA assessor and outlines the details that may be assessed during the QA visit. 

QA Scoring Guide —  This guide contains the definitions of a Pass, a Conditional Pass, and a Fail as they pertain to the 35 details listed on the scorecard.

QA Inspection Guide —  This guide shows how the QA assessors will be checking work after completion.  It includes a visual guide on how to perform a self-check, so  you know you are completing work to CEE standards. 

Customer Resources

Air Sealing and Rebate Video — This video explains the benefits of air-sealing and insulation, as well as the Minnesota Energy Resources rebate program. Share this video with customers if they questions about air-sealing, the blower door test, or the rebate process. 

Air Sealing Handout — Similar to the video this info sheet covers the benefits of the AIC program, air sealing and blower door testing. This sheet could be left with homeowners when completing bids. 
Minnesota Energy Resources Online Audit — This resource is great for homeowners who may have questions about what they can do to improve the energy efficiency of their home. This online audit will point them towards the AIC program if they need insulation or Minnesota Energy Resources heating system rebate if they are due for replacement. 

Minnesota Energy Resources In-home Energy-saving Audit — Link where customers can sign up for a Minnesota Energy Resources Energy Audit. 

Additional Information

Minnesota Energy Resources Gas Service Territory — View the cities and counties that are served by Minnesota Energy Resources and a map of the territory. This is meant to be used as a general guide only. Please verify that the homeowner is a Minnesota Energy Resources gas customer. 

General Contractor Policy — Details on how a General Contractor can participate in Minnesota Energy Resources insulation rebate program. 

Authorized Insulation Contractor List  — List of AICs on Minnesota Energy Resources website.


What is a crew leader?

The crew leader is the insulation installer that supervises and does the on-site work. Only the crew leader that performs the work can sign off on the completed work in order for the homeowner to obtain Minnesota Energy Resources rebates. 

What if I am already BPI Certified?

There are many BPI certifications. The BPI certification’s that are allowed for this program are the BPI Air Leakage Control Installer (ACI), BPI Building Analyst, and BPI Envelope Professional. If you already have one of these certifications, a copy of the certificate is required for program entry.

Who offers the BPI Certifications?

The Center for Energy and Environment offers training and testing for the BPI ALC and BPI Building Analyst certification. If you are interested in this training you can sign up for the next training offered by CEE. Other BPI test centers can be found by searching for them by zip code or state on the BPI website

Are there other certifications, besides BPI, that can qualify a contractor for this program?

Yes, CEE is going to be offering 1 day Insulation Contractor Training’s beginning in 2020 that will also qualify insulation contractors to become Authorized Insulation Contractors (AIC’s). Sign up for an upcoming CEE Insulation Contractor Training


What if I am a homeowner?

Minnesota Energy Resources Authorized Insulation Contractor program ensures contractors implement best practices in home insulation installation, including proper sealing of air leaks and testing for potential safety issues caused by tightening a home.

Find authorized contractors and access insulation rebates through Minnesota Energy Resources.

For more information about the program contact  


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